Our services: Evidence Synthesis

  • Systematic Review and Narrative Summary

    We specialise in steering collaborators towards formulating robust research inquiries tailored for reimbursement submissions and various applications. These inquiries may focus on evaluating the efficiency, impact, or safety of interventions. Leveraging our team's considerable expertise, we excel in conducting comprehensive reviews of economic evaluation studies, health-related outcome studies, as well as resource utilisation and costing studies.

  • Meta-analysis

    Beyond systematic reviews. our team can synthesize quantitative data gathered from diverse studies to generate pooled estimates. Additionally, we offer the option of extending our analysis to include network meta-analysis, especially when clients face limitations in conducting direct head-to-head comparisons of two or more interventions. This advanced approach allows for a more comprehensive assessment of various interventions within the scope of our clients' requirements.

  • Other Reviews

    We provide a range of review services tailored to diverse research needs. Our offerings include scoping reviews, adept at addressing broad and overarching research inquiries, and rapid reviews designed to deliver time-sensitive evidence when the urgency of the matter limits the feasibility of a comprehensive systematic review. Additionally, our expertise extends to supporting the execution of burden of illness reviews, integrative reviews, and realist reviews, ensuring a comprehensive and nuanced approach to varied research contexts.